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Choosing your trip

Travel is deeply subjective experiences . If each person is a world, imagine how each trip will be!

Why not be guided by the recommendations of people who know you? Well, because each person looks for something different on their trip , what motivates, has fun, bores or excites a person will not necessarily motivate, amuse, bore or excite another. In addition, mood influences, physical and mental state as well. Climbing Mount Everest will be great and an experience of those that change your life forever, but my knees that suffer from chondromalacia and my pathetic physical state by a brutal sedentary lifestyle - worked over the last years in an office - I don't think agree that climbing it is the right choice for me.

To take into account

So how to choose the destination for your next trip? Simply answering these simple questions:

What is the purpose of your trip? Be honest with yourself: why do you want to travel? Do you want to rest? Do you know people? Get away from your routine for a while? Contemplate that temple you have always wanted to know? Make a spiritual retreat? Try the gastronomy of a specific country? experience a strong cultural shock? Do you volunteer in developing countries? ... (the list is almost infinite).

What do you want to do during the trip? Do you prefer to do outdoor sports, cultural tours, economic and exotic shopping, throw yourself on a beach with a book and lose track of time? Those activities that you enjoy most will mark the destination of your trip. For example, if your idea is to shop until your VISA card credit runs out, then a desert island is not your thing.

How much time do you have for your trip? It is not the same to plan a trip for a week, for a month than a trip without a pre-established return date. If you live in Uruguay for example and have only seven days of vacation you may not want to travel to Australia, it will be more convenient to find a destination closer to your city of residence and that the flight hours and the jet lag do not eat your days travel.

What kind of trip do you want to do? It is not the same as you want to travel with all the luxuries (read: taxis for all trips, multi-star hotels, dinners in cloth tablecloth restaurants) that you decide to travel more Low Cost , that is: sharing a room with other travelers, eating at street stalls and taking public transportation.

What budget do you have? Although I always say that you can travel with a very low budget, the truth is that there are destinations and destinations. A week in Switzerland is not the same as in Ecuador. By answering this question and the fourth one (about the type of trip you are looking for) you can already reduce the spectrum of destinations quite a bit.

Another option you have to choose the destination of your next trip, a little more irreverent, spontaneous and risky, is to throw a dart at a planisphere and go where it falls! If you like adrenaline, This is YOUR choice!

Other considerations to consider:

♣ The weather in the destination countries you have in mind. It would be a shame if you just went to Thailand for example the monsoon month.

♣ The local parties. In some countries prices are quite expensive during national or religious holidays, such as in Indonesia during Ramadam. In addition to the high prices, it is very difficult to find accommodation or site in public transportation such as trains and buses, which will hinder your trip.

♣ Language. If this is the first time you travel alone, you may want to start with a destination whose official language you master a little or that you can at least defend yourself. The cultural and idiomatic shock can sometimes be frustrating even for the most experienced traveler.
With all these issues in mind, you can choose a destination more thoroughly. I recommend that before buying the ticket, read and investigate the destination in question, to ensure that it can provide you with the experiences you are looking for.


Ya es hora

After a while, you will realize that all the obstacles that today seem impossible to overcome, will disappear. Traveling teaches you lessons about the world and about life that you will not learn in any other school. You will also realize that traveling is easier than you think today. All you have to do is take the first step and start