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100th anniversary of the birth of Karol Wojtyła, known as St. John Paul II

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Everyone who is passionate about traveling has ever dreamed of visiting Egypt. The Pyramids have been fascinating for centuries and we were not going to be less. Egypt was our great dream trip pending, the one that you always have in mind but that you always end up discarding for money well for the situation in the country. Until the opportunity to ‘spend’ our last week of vacation arrived and we decided not to postpone it anymore and launch ourselves to discover this fascinating country.



Warsaw [C] Upon his arrival in Warsaw, from his first steps in Piłsudski Square next to the Holy Cross, symbol of the first pilgrimage of John Paul II to his homeland, the Holy Mass celebrated by him and the famous phrase he addressed to the Polish people, who later changed to this country and influenced all of Eastern Europe: "May your Spirit come and renew the face of the earth, this earth." Walk along the Royal Route with a brief stop at the monument to Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński, who had an important influence on the election of Karol Wojtyła as Pope John Paul II. Welcome dinner at one of the local restaurants, beautifully located in the Old Town.


"The human being is measured with the measure of the heart. With the heart! In the biblical sense of the human spirit that conscience means (...)" - Message to Youth, Church of Santa Ana, 1979. Enjoy a Tour of the capital of Poland. Highlights of the visit include the Old City, rebuilt with great reverence after World War II, the beautiful Royal Route, to see its palaces, aristocratic residences, statues and historic churches - the sites of faith and the spirit of the Polish people Visit to the most famous baroque church in Warsaw - the Church of St. Anne - witness of important events in the history of Warsaw, and also the place where Pope John Paul II celebrated Holy Mass during his first pilgrimage in 1979 and met with the young people, telling them: "I was looking for you, and you have come to me! This is what I thank you for." These words can be seen on a plaque on the front wall of the church. From then on, this church is very frequented by young people, the so-called JP II generation. This is a place where Warsaw's youth gather to commemorate each anniversary of the Pope's death. Follow the Metropolitan Cathedral of St. John the Baptist, the oldest gothic church in Warsaw, which was visited by John Paul II during each of his pilgrimages to Poland. This is also the resting place of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński. On the cathedral wall you can also see a special plaque that commemorates the first pilgrimage of the Pope to Poland, and says: "John Paul II, Pope - Polish from this cathedral began his pilgrimage to his homeland. June 2, 1979" . Lunch in one of the restaurants of the Old Town. Afterwards, we continue to the Church of St. Stanislaus Kostka, where we will attend the Holy Mass and you will see a special exhibition dedicated to Father Jerzy Popiełuszko, a great personality of the Catholic Church killed, by the security police in 1984. Today in day, pilgrimages from all over the world come to this church, sanctuary of solidarity, to pray in his grave. On June 14, 1987 John Paul II visited the church and prayed before Father Jerzy's grave, then hugged the grave and kissed it. Thanks to the efforts of John Paul II, in 2010, Father Jerzy Popiełuszko was beatified. At night we invite you to an unforgettable trip through the most famous works of Federico Chopin. The year 2010 was proclaimed International Year of Federico Chopin for the 200th anniversary of his birth. Enjoy a private piano recital in the beautiful historic interiors of one of the palace located in Warsaw. Dinner at one of the restaurants in the Old Town.

Day 3Varsovia – Niepokalanów – Częstochowa

Departure in the morning to Niepokalanów to visit one of the most recent Shrines in Poland. The Franciscan convent is linked to the figure of Saint Maximilian Maria Raymond Kolbe - a martyr of the extermination camp of Oświęcim (Auschwitz). The monastery was founded in 1927 and in 1980 John Paul II gave the church the title of Minor Basilica. John Paul II visited Niepokolanów during one of his pilgrimages in 1983, when he blessed 70 missionary crosses. He also spoke about the life and sacrifice of Maximilano Kolbe, his mission and devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. After the visit, continuation of the trip to Częstochowa - THE RELIGIOUS CENTER OF POLAND - one of the most important places of religious worship in the Christian world, with a tradition of pilgrimages dating from the fourteenth century. In the afternoon you will visit the Monastery of Jasna Góra where the chapel of the Black Virgin, known as the "Queen of Poland" is located. Holy Mass in front of the miraculous painting of the Black Virgin, where John Paul II gave himself to the Lady of Czestochowa saying "Totus Tuus" during his pilgrimage in 1979. This sanctuary was one of the most important places in the Pope's heart and is One of the favorite shrines in Poland. Dinner at the local restaurant in the city called ‘Karczma’.

Day 4Częstochowa – Kalwaria Zebrzydowska - Wadowice – Cracovia

“I will always come here, because Jasna Góra is the nation's sanctuary, confessional and altar. It is a place of conversion and renewal of life of the Polish people. ”- Message to the people of Poland, Częstochowa, 1983.  In the morning, meet with the local Paulino guide and visit the Jasna Góra Sanctuary. The visit includes: the Basilica with the chapel of the Black Madonna, the exhibition dedicated to the 600 years of the Monastery, the Armory, the Treasury Hall with precious gifts that include the Golden Rose offered by John Paul II as an act of his devotion to the heart of Our Lady of Częstochowa Queen of Poland, the girdle of the Pope's cassock with his blood, since it was the one he used when he was injured in 1981. The visit also includes the new exhibition called “The Polish Church and Solidarity” the trade union led by the Nobel Peace Prize, Lech Wałęsa. Transfer to Kalwaria Zebrzydowska - which runs between the colorful hills of the Wadowice highlands. From a distance you can see the complex of the monastery of Father Bernardino with the first baroque church of Our Lady of the Angels. To the south of the monastery, in an area of ​​300 hectares is the famous Passion of Jesus, with churches, chapels and hermitages located in a land that mimics the topography of Jerusalem. As Pope John Paul II was born in Wadowice, near Kalwaria, he often walked the paths of the Passion and prayed before the wonderful image of the Virgin of Kalwaria Zebrzydowska. Regarding the number of pilgrims, Kalwaria is the second most popular sanctuary in Poland and one of those preferred by John Paul II. During the pilgrimage of 2002, when he perhaps already knew it would be his last visit to Kalwaria, he once again offered himself to the Virgin Mary and the miraculous Virgin of Kalwaria Zebrzydowska: “I offer you my person and the entire Polish nation, I trust you and once again professed: Totus Tuus ". During the journey, stop at Wadowice, which is an hour's drive from Krakow. It is a small town where our Pope, Karol Wojtyła - John Paul II was born. We can see the house where he was born, it was created and where from the window of his room, he saw a clock with the phrase "Time is running, eternity is waiting". Now there is also the date and time of the Pope's death in him. In the Wadowice Basilica, where Karol Wojtyła, Pope John Paul II, was also baptized, you can also see the special plaque that commemorates this fact and a stone fountain where the Pope prayed during his first pilgrimage to Poland in 1979. During his next Pilgrimage, in 1991, visited Wadowice once more and consecrated a new church of St. Peter the Apostle, which was built by the people of Wadowice as a vote to save the life of the Pope, after being shot dead in 1981. Visit of the exhibition that illustrates and commemorates the life of John Paul II and his work in Poland until the moment he left Krakow for the conclave in Rome, in 1978. In the room where Karol Wojtyla was born and lived until 1938, and in the kitchen , some items of the remaining furniture have been preserved. In the other rooms, there are showcases containing Karol Wojtyla documents, both originals and copies, objects, manuscripts and works published before October 16, 1978. On the walls there are photographs related to Karol Wojtyla and the places he frequently visits. Wadowice is also a place where the Pope spoke with the feeling, remembering his school days, friends and a cafeteria where he ate his favorite cream cake. Therefore, it is essential to try this world-famous cream pie before continuing to Krakow.

Day 5Cracovia – Auschwitz-Birkenau – Cracovia

Enjoy a panoramic tour of the magical city of Krakow, a city linked to Pope John Paul II with places such as: the Episcopal Palace, where Karol Wojtyła lived, the church of San Florian, where he was vicar, or the beautiful church of the Franciscans , your favorite place to pray. Franciszkańska Street, with the famous Pope's window, from where John Paul II used to talk to people on their pilgrimages to Poland. During a long meeting there, he said: "We will continue talking in a moment, after I finish my dinner." And he returned after an hour to continue his encounter with the people who were waiting all the time. Floriańska 3 is the place where people gather every year, on April 2, to pray, light the candles and sing the Pope's favorite songs. Collegium Novum, the main building of the Jagiellonic University, where after World War II, Karol Wojtyła taught theology, the Archbishop's Palace, which was his home for several years and where there is a special exhibition dedicated to him and his life in Krakow. The special exhibition dedicated to John Paul II and his life in Krakow. In the church of Santa Eduviges you can see a plaque commemorating the Pope's visit in 1997. In front of the church is the altar cross that was built for the Holy Mass celebrated by John Paul II in Błonie in Krakow in 1979.  See the Market Square - the largest medieval square in Europe, the church of Santa Maria with the largest wooden altar in the world, in Gothic style, created by Wit Stwosz. It is worth witnessing the opening ceremony of the alatar and listening to the "Hejnał", the musical symbol of Krakow. Continue to Wawel Hill to visit the cathedral, place of ordination as bishop of Karol Wojtyła. It is also worth seeing "The Catholic Center of John Paul II," where you can learn about the Pope's spiritual heritage. Lunch is served at a local restaurant. "Sixty years have passed since the release of the prisoners from the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp. This anniversary invites us to reflect once more on the drama that took place there, the tragic end result of a hate program. In these days we must remember the millions of people who, without their own fault, were forced to endure the inhuman suffering and extermination in the gas chambers and crematoriums. I bow to all who experienced that manifestation of the mysterium iniquitatis "Message of John Paul II, Auschwitz-Birkenau, on the 60th anniversary of the release of the prisoners from the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp. Guided visit to the Auschwitz Museum. The death camp of Oswięcim, known as Konzentrationslager Auschwitz, where we will visit the cell of the martyr Saint Maximilian Kolbe. In cell # 18 you can see a special plaque and the candle left by the Pope after praying there. Later, we will visit the Center for Dialogue and Prayer and listen to the conference on the experience of the Pope during World War II and his ecumenism towards the Jewish people. Then, Holy Mass. In commemoration of the Pope's visit to Auschwitz-Birkenau, and in order to consolidate his message on peace and human rights, the special Oświęcim Prize for Human Rights was created. Dinner at one of Krakow's restaurants.

Day 6Cracovia – Ludźmierz – Zakopane

In the morning departure to Zakopane. During the journey we will stop, in Ludźmierz - RELIGIOUS CENTER OF LOS MONTAÑEROS. Visit to the oldest sanctuary in the Podhale region. Place where Pope John Paul II often came and prayed with his dear mountaineers. It was here, during one of his visits as bishop of Krakow, that an apple that fell from the hands of the figure of Our Lady of Podhale stopped at the feet of Karol Wojtyła. Many saw this as a sign that the bishop of Krakow would become the Pope someday. See the miraculous figure of Our Lady Queen of Podhale. This wooden sculpture is almost 600 years old. In memory of the Pope's visit to Ludźmierz, the Garden of the Roses of Mary was created. It is shaped like a path with 20 chapels carved in white marble. In the center is a monument of the kneeling Pope. John Paul II used to give special gifts to the shrines he loved most, Ludźmierz is one of them, so he offered this shrine a beautiful pearl rosary. Every year, in September, at the feast of Our Lady Siewnej the basilica becomes the center of a colorful and spectacular harvest festival. Continuation of the trip to Zakopane. Lunch in one of Zakopane's restaurants. You can taste regional dishes, famous for their secret recipes passed from generation to generation.  “Staying in the faith like this cross on the Giewont mountain” - John Paul II during a pilgrimage to Poland, Zakopane 1983  In the afternoon visit Zakopane, including the famous Krupówki Street, Jaszczurówka Chapel - a great example of wooden architecture in Zakopane and the shrine of Our Lady of Fatima in Krzeptówki, which was built by the people of Zakopane to thank the Virgin for saving the Pope after the attempt on his life. After the visit of the Pope in Zakopane, the city authorities decided to change their coat of arms. Now it shows the image of the Giewont cross with the keys of St. Peter. Especially for his group, we can organize a presentation of the favorite songs of John Paul II, which he used to sing himself. Dinner at a local restaurant that serves very good traditional dishes, based on cabbage and potatoes. Something that cannot be missed is smoked sheep cheese (oscypek), fermented cabbage soup, "kwaśnica", or lamb meat. For weary travelers a mountain tea (with vodka) and 'śliwowica lacka' , the plum brandy During dinner, music, songs and dances from the mountains are presented.

Day 7Zakopane – Łagiewniki – Varsovia

"I repeat today these simple and sincere words of Saint Faustina, to join her and all of you in worship of the inconceivable and unfathomable mystery of the mercy of God. Like her, we want to proclaim that, apart from the mercy of God, there is no other source of hope for humanity We wish to repeat with faith: Jesus, I trust in you! - John Paul II, of the Homily in the Consecration of the Shrine of the Divine Mercy, Łagiewniki, Poland, August 17, 2002  In the morning visit the Convent of Santa Faustina in Łagiewniki - the capital of the Divine Mercy. It was here that the message of Divine Mercy originated, which Christ himself wanted to convey to our generation, through Sister Faustina. Visit to the Sanctuary of the Divine Mercy, the chapel of the convent of Santa Faustina and its tomb. The dynamic expansion of the Divine Mercy cult was launched by the beatification of Sister Faustina (April 18, 1993) and her canonization (April 30, 2000), and also thanks to the pilgrimages of John Paul II to Łagiewniki (1997 and 2002). This led to the extension of the Sanctuary, the construction of a new church - basilica, which was consecrated on August 17, 2002 by Pope John Paul II. In this place the Pope solemnly entrusted the world to Divine Mercy. Lunch at a local restaurant. Departure to Warsaw. Upon arrival, check-in and dinner organized at a local restaurant in the city.

Day 8Varsovia

Breakfast. Airport transfer..
