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Spectacular Egypt

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+1 786 290 3060


9 Days
Guaranteed Departures
Hotel according to chosen category
Handling one suitcase per person
Tour Details

Everyone who is passionate about traveling has ever dreamed of visiting Egypt. The Pyramids have been fascinating for centuries and we were not going to be less. Egypt was our great dream trip pending, the one that you always have in mind but that you always end up discarding for money well for the situation in the country. Until the opportunity to ‘spend’ our last week of vacation arrived and we decided not to postpone it anymore and launch ourselves to discover this fascinating country.



Assistance arrives to Taba by our representatives through Immigration, visa and customs procedures. Transfer and accommodation in Santa Catalina.


BREAKFAST AND DINNER. At dawn (2:00 am) departure to the Mount of Moses or Mount Sinai (Mount Horeb) 2,285 meters high, where the prophet Moses received from God the tables of the law from the top of the mountain we can see the sunrise, down We will know the Monastery of Santa Catalina, At the indicated time, departure to Cairo, Arrival and Transfer to the hotel of the chosen category and accommodation.


Breakfast at the hotel. visit to the Pyramids of Giza where the first of the seven wonders of the ancient world is contemplated: the great pyramid of Cheops and the pyramids of Kefren and Micerinos, the Sphinx carved into the rock that represents the head of the pharaoh and the body of a lion Lunch, In the afternoon, Visit to the Egyptian Museum with its treasures of the time & nbsp; ancient and the unique treasure of the tomb of King Tut Ank Amon, the Coptic neighborhood and the synagogue of Ben Ezra, ending with a visit to a papyrus factory where they explain the process of this Egyptian art, return to the hotel; and accommodation.


Breakfast at the hotel and at the scheduled time, transfer to the airport to take the flight to Luxor. Arrival at Luxor airport, assistance from our representative and transfer to the chosen motorboat. Visit of the Temples of Karnak and Luxor, which constitute the most important monumental complex in Egypt. The Karnak Temple, known as "The Temple of All Temples", the obelisk, the sacred lake and the great hall of the Hipostilas. Lunch and dinner. Night on board.


Full board on board. Visit of the Necropolis of Thebes, including the famous Valley of the Kings, the panoramic view of the Temple of Queen Hatshepsut in Deir Al Bahari, and The Colossi of Memnon, time for rest. In the evening we will enjoy the typical Bedouin dances and music. . Navigation to Edfu. Night on board.


Full board on board, Visit by buggy From the temple of Edfu, the falcon-headed god and the best preserved in Egypt, as well as being the second largest in the country. It was in the past partially covered by silt during the periodic flooding of the Nile. Once the rescue and restoration work was completed, we found one of the most beautiful temples of the Ptolemy era in a state of exceptional conservation. Return to the motorboat and navigation. In Kom Ombo, visit the temple of Kom Ombo dedicated to the gods Haroeris, which had the head of a hawk and Sobek, with the head of a crocodile, where there is a Nilometer (former system for measuring the level of the Nile River) and the museum of the mummified crocodiles. Return to the cruise to enjoy the party of the chilabas (Egyptian costume), accommodation and navigation to Aswan. Night on board.


Full board on board. The city of Aswan is nine hundred kilometers from Cairo, located in the heart of Cancer. VISIT the Temple of Philae dedicated to the Goddess Isis, the High Dam of Aswan, huge engineering work that retains the waters of the Nile River, Next to the Red Granite Quarry, where the famous Unfinished Obelisk, forty-one meters high, and where you can observe the ingenious procedure used by the ancient Egyptians for the extraction of granite blocks., Return to the motorboat. Night on board for the trade Possibility of making the optional excursion to the Nubian Village located in southern Egypt, camel ride where we will reach this town where we taste tea, buy Nubian handicrafts, enjoy live music and dances or 'tattoos' of henna offered to us by the women of this tribe. Return to the cruise and accommodation in Aswan.


Optional visit to Abu Simbel, located two hundred and eighty kilometers from Aswan and visit of the temples carved on the western desert cliff by Ramses II in the twelfth century BC, with statues 20 meters high, dedicated to the god Amón Ra, and the Temple of Nefertari, dedicated to the goddess Hathor. After the visit, return to Aswan to take the plane to Cairo. Arrival at Cairo airport and transfer to the hotel of the chosen category. accommodation.


BREAKFAST. DAY OFF. Possibility of making the optional Half Day visit to Memphis and Sakkara. Memphis, center of worship of God Ptah. Its architectural and cultural exhibition is headed by the colossus of Ramses II. Continue west of Memphis where the Great Sakkara Necropolis is located, one of the oldest Royal Necropolis, At the indicated time, transfer to the airport for final departure.
