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Tips for traveling on Cruises

Cruise travel is an option for millions of travelers since the 80s and its growth has been spectacular in the last 10 years. Already in 1980 cruise tourism had almost a million and a half passengers worldwide. In 2006 the figure reached 15 million and in 2018 the 28 million passengers were reached. Of these 24 million, approximately 40.62% will travel as a couple and 21.72% will travel as a family, with an average age of less than 50 years. As for the country of origin, more than half of all travelers come from the US, followed by Germany and Great Britain.

The destinations of the cruise ship are varied, the most popular being trips to the western Mediterranean, such as Corsica and Sardinia, followed by cruises in the eastern Mediterranean, such as Cyprus or Egypt, and cruises in the Norwegian Fjords, the Baltic Sea and the Caribbean.

The average expense on cruise trips ranges from € 500 to € 1,500, including on-board expenses such as meals, drinks, and expenses on activities outside the ship. Because of its high price and the advance with which they are booked, it is advisable to be equipped with cruise travel insurance . At the end of this article we tell you how these types of policies work.

1. Documentation for cruise travel

Do not forget to bring identity documents, such as the ID or passport , as well as the corresponding visa or permit for excursions in case any of the countries in which dock the ship require it. You should also have the trip information (stops, schedules, etc.), the checking account number and some emergency or interest telephone numbers. Also carry a credit card and a copy of your travel insurance for cruises.

2. How to pack a suitcase to travel on a cruise

You will have to dress in bath robes and other times with more comfortable or formal clothes, in addition to wearing some that protect you from the wind. Don't forget to protect yourself with sunglasses, a hat and sunscreen.

To also take into account the measures and weight limits of the hand luggage of the airline with which you are going to fly to the city where the port from which the ship departs. Also check these figures for luggage on board the ship.

3. Medications to take to a cruise

The purchase of medicines on board is usually more expensive than usual, so do not forget to take with you a personal first aid kit that contains anti-inflammatories, analgesics, ointments for bumps or muscle aches and medications for dizziness and digestive problems. Check with the Ministry of Health if you need any vaccine for any of the countries where the cruise will be docked.

4. Duty Free on cruise ships

As in the airports, when you purchase the products and services offered on a cruise you will not pay VAT. Of course, when the ship is docked in a port the stores remain closed. On the other hand, what you buy when entering your country of origin will be tax free whenever Do not exceed the values stipulated by customs.

In addition to cash (some companies have an exchange office), cruise companies usually offer payment methods to facilitate purchases on board: personal card linked to checking or credit or debit card, checks or VIP membership in cabin .

The purchase of alcoholic beverages on board, but not the consumption in the cruise establishments, is controlled in such a way that they will be delivered to you on the day of disembarkation.

5. Electrical and electronic devices on board

Remember to turn off the data of your mobile phone to avoid surprises on your bill. It also regulates its time and activates the alarm clock to travel according to the changes of time zone . Try to bring a universal adapter for plugs.

6. Book your cruise trip in advance

Cruises are the type of trip that is booked the most in advance. In the case of the Spaniards, compared to the 32-day average of booking other similar trips (international destinations and half-week stays), a cruise is booked with an average of 71 days in advance. Hence, half of the incidents in cruise trips are related to the cancellation of the trip.

7. Problems to consider when traveling by cruise

It is important to inform travelers of the main problems that may arise on board a cruise. One of the most common incidents, due in large part to the fact that the trip is booked well in advance, is the cancellation of the trip . In this sense, it is important to keep in mind that cancellation fees can be very high, since the average reservation cost is € 800.

In addition, the health care and the purchase of medicines on board are usually quite expensive, in fact a routine consultation can cost up to 110 euros. In case of pregnancy for the date of the cruise, you have to be well informed of the company's policy, since many do not accept the reservations of passengers who are in the week at the end of the trip 24 or with a more advanced gestation degree.

8. Hire cruise insurance

Cruise trips have special characteristics that mean they must be insured with customized and specific products. Therefore, if there is a cruise part of your trip, you must have insurance. In addition, these incidents discussed above are another reason why it is advisable to have cruise travel insurance that includes specific coverage that other travel insurance does not guarantee. 

  • Medical and health assistance:
    – Consult the ship's doctor
    – Purchase of medications
    – Transfer to the hospital of the patient and companion
    – Stay in the hospital and hotel for the companion
  • Early return due to illness, death of a relative or serious work or family problem
  • Information General, 24-hour travel and telephone help
  • Money advance If the passenger loses his credit card or it stops working
  • Send of forgotten objects on the journey
  • Theft, delay or damage of luggage


To take into account, is if in any of the destinations to visit during the cruise they require a visa, you will have to process it.

Other considerations to consider:

For the trip make a list and prepare your suitcase with the necessary things, according to the weather of the destinations you are going to visit. In addition to wearing comfortable clothes for rides and activities on the ship, there are one or two special nights that require elegant dress.

Choose the backpack that you will carry on your rides, as practical as possible, only what is necessary and reserve a place to pack what you buy in each port. Take an exclusive packaging for documents.

You can not miss the toiletries in small packages, camera chargers, cell phone, a first aid kit and if you take medication it takes for a few more days, for any eventuality.

On board

Before traveling, find out about all the activities that can be done on board with your agency or with the shipping company, so that you can schedule them and book in advance, because there are some of them that are quite welcome.

To your credit you will have a swimming pool, tanning area, ice skating, climbing wall, shows, circus and dance schools, bumper cars, surfing, zip line, gym and many more.

How to relieve dizziness?

According to some experts there are several tricks to avoid this discomfort: choose the cabin in the center of the boat, eat green apple, make a small pressure on the inside of the wrist, take an infusion of ginger, smell essences of mint and lavender, receive fresh air or ask your doctor to formulate a medication.

Avoid getting fat

Usually who travels on a cruise, returns home with a few extra pounds, because there is a lot and variety of food, all delicious.

If you want to avoid gaining weight, it is best to take advantage of some of the sports activities on board and during the walks on land you know, preferably walking, so that you spend energy. Something like the one who sins and prays draws.


It is advisable to hire the authorized operators, who will take you to the most representative places of each destination and return you to the ship on time, before sailing.

Tricks to take the best photos

Catching the unique moments of your trip are the memories that are left for posterity, but just do it well: focus and approach what you can to the objective, on the outside preferably turn your back on the sun and inside turn off the flash, look for the places and make shots from different positions.

Digital photography allows you to take several shots of the same objective, then in the tranquility of your cabin, check and eliminate the ones you don't like to free memory and continue using your camera.

Ya es hora

After a while, you will realize that all the obstacles that today seem impossible to overcome, will disappear. Traveling teaches you lessons about the world and about life that you will not learn in any other school. You will also realize that traveling is easier than you think today. All you have to do is take the first step and start